Reference manual


cbmc-viewer - Generate a browsable summary of CBMC results


cbmc-viewer [-h] [--result FILE [FILE ...]]
                 [--coverage FILE [FILE ...]] [--property FILE [FILE ...]]
                 [--srcdir SRCDIR] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--extensions REGEXP]
                 [--source-method MHD] [--wkdir WKDIR] [--goto GOTO]
                 [--reportdir REPORTDIR] [--json-summary JSON]
                 [--viewer-coverage JSON [JSON ...]]
                 [--viewer-loop JSON [JSON ...]]
                 [--viewer-property JSON [JSON ...]]
                 [--viewer-reachable JSON [JSON ...]]
                 [--viewer-result JSON [JSON ...]]
                 [--viewer-source JSON [JSON ...]]
                 [--viewer-symbol JSON [JSON ...]]
                 [--viewer-trace JSON [JSON ...]] [--verbose] [--debug]
                 [--config JSON] [--version] [--block BLOCK]
                 [--htmldir HTMLDIR] [--srcexclude EXCLUDE]
                 [--blddir BLDDIR] [--storm STORM]


CBMC Viewer generates a browsable summary of CBMC results that makes it easy to root cause issues found by CBMC.


CBMC output

This is the output of cbmc that is summarized by cbmc-viewer.

The output of cbmc can be text, xml, or json. cbmc outputs text by default, but cbmc --xml-ui and cbmc --json-ui will output xml and json instead. cbmc-viewer can generally accept output in any form, but xml is strongly preferred.

The output of cbmc-viewer can be a summary of multiple invocations of cbmc. For example, after testing one function with cbmc in multiple configurations, invoking cbmc-viewer with the results of all of these tests in all of these configurations will generate a single report summarizing the union of these results.

--result FILE [FILE ...]

  • The property checking results. A text, xml, or json file containing the output of cbmc.

--coverage FILE [FILE ...]

  • The coverage checking results. An xml or json file containing the output of cbmc --cover locations.

--property FILE [FILE ...]

  • The properties checked during property checking. An xml or json file containing the output of cbmc --show-properties.

Source files

--srcdir SRCDIR

  • The root of the source tree. This is typically the root of the code repository itself. For best results, the source tree should include both the project code and the proof code written to facilitate verification (for example, stubs for functionality not being tested). The final report will not link to files outside the source tree or to symbols defined in files outside the source tree.

--exclude EXCLUDE

  • A regular expression for the paths relative to SRCDIR to exclude from the list of source files. This is rarely used. It is a Python regular expression matched against the result of os.path.normpath(). The match is case insensitive.

--extensions REGEXP

  • A regular expression for the file extensions of files to include in the list of source files. This is rarely used. It is a Python regular expression matched against the result of os.path.splitext(). The match is case insensitive. (Default: ^\.(c|h|inl)$)

--source-method MHD

  • The method to use to enumerate the list of source files. This is rarely used. The default method is generally to use the files mentioned in the symbol table of the goto binary. The full set of methods available is

    • find: use the Linux find command in SRCDIR,
    • walk: use the Python walk method in SRCDIR,
    • make: use the make command in the WKDIR to build the goto binary with the preprocessor and use the files under SRCDIR mentioned in the preprocessor output, and
    • goto: use the files under SRCDIR mentioned in the symbol table of the goto binary.

    The default method is goto if SRCDIR and WKDIR and GOTO are specified, make if SRCDIR and WKDIR are specified, walk on Windows, and find otherwise.

Goto binaries

--wkdir WKDIR

  • The working directory. This is generally the directory in which goto-cc was invoked to build the goto binary. It is the working directory that is mentioned in the source locations in the goto binary. It is used to resolve relative paths appearing in source locations into absolute paths to source files. Relative paths appear in source locations only when goto-cc is invoked with relative paths. If goto-cc is invoked with absolute paths, paths in source locations are absolute paths, and this working directory is not needed.

--goto GOTO

  • The goto binary itself.

Viewer output

--reportdir REPORTDIR

  • The report directory. Write the final report to this directory. (Default: report)

--json-summary JSON

  • Write summary of key metrics to this json file.

Viewer input

JSON files produced by the various make-* scripts.

--viewer-coverage JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load coverage data from the JSON output of make-coverage. If multiple files are given, merge multiple data sets into one.

--viewer-loop JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load loops from the JSON output of make-loop. If multiple files are given, merge multiple data sets into one.

--viewer-property JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load properties from the JSON output of make-property. If multiple files are given, merge multiple data sets into one.

--viewer-reachable JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load reachable functions from the JSON output of make-reachable. If multiple files are given, merge multiple data sets into one.

--viewer-result JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load results from the JSON output of make-result. If multiple files are given, merge multiple data sets into one.

--viewer-source JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load sources from the JSON output of make-source. If multiple files are given, merge multiple data sets into one.

--viewer-symbol JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load symbols from the JSON output of make-symbol. If multiple files are given, merge multiple data sets into one.

--viewer-trace JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load traces from the JSON output of make-trace. If multiple files are given, merge multiple data sets into one.


--help, -h


  • Verbose output.


  • Debugging output.

--config JSON

  • JSON configuration file. (Default: cbmc-viewer.json)


  • Display version number and exit.


Options from prior versions now deprecated.

--block BLOCK

  • Use --coverage instead.

--htmldir HTMLDIR

  • Use --reportdir instead.

--srcexclude EXCLUDE

  • Use --exclude instead.

--blddir BLDDIR

  • Ignored.

--storm STORM

  • Ignored.