Reference manual


cbmc-viewer symbol - List symbols found in the goto binary


cbmc-viewer symbol [-h] [--srcdir SRCDIR] [--wkdir WKDIR] [--goto GOTO]
                        [--viewer-source JSON [JSON ...]]
                        [--viewer-symbol JSON [JSON ...]] [--verbose]
                        [--debug] [--version]


List symbols found in the goto binary


Source files

--srcdir SRCDIR

  • The root of the source tree, typically the root of the code repository.

GOTO binaries

--wkdir WKDIR

  • The working directory. This is generally the directory in which goto-cc was invoked to build the goto binary. It is the working directory that is mentioned in the source locations in the goto binary.

--goto GOTO

  • The goto binary itself.

Viewer input

Load json output of cbmc-viewer like "viewer-coverage.json" or the output of cbmc-viewer subcommands like "cbmc-viewer coverage".

--viewer-source JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load the output of "cbmc-viewer" or "cbmc-viewer source" listing the source files used to build the goto binary.

--viewer-symbol JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load the output of "cbmc-viewer" or "cbmc-viewer symbol" listing the symbols in the goto binary.




  • Verbose output.


  • Debugging output.


  • Display version number and exit.