Reference manual


cbmc-viewer source - List source files used to build the goto binary


cbmc-viewer source [-h] [--srcdir SRCDIR] [--exclude EXCLUDE]
                        [--extensions REGEXP] [--source-method MHD]
                        [--wkdir WKDIR] [--goto GOTO]
                        [--viewer-source JSON [JSON ...]] [--verbose]
                        [--debug] [--version]


List source files used to build the goto binary


Source files

--srcdir SRCDIR

  • The root of the source tree, typically the root of the code repository.

--exclude EXCLUDE

  • A regular expression for the paths relative to SRCDIR to exclude from the list of source files. This is rarely used.

--extensions REGEXP

  • A regular expression for the file extensions of files to include in the list of source files. This is rarely used. (Default: ^.(c|h|inl)$)

--source-method MHD

  • The method to use to enumerate the list of source files. This is rarely used. The default method 'goto' is generally to use the files mentioned in the symbol table of the goto binary. The full set of methods available is
    • 'find': use the Linux 'find' command in SRCDIR,
    • 'walk': use the Python 'walk' method in SRCDIR,
    • 'make': use the 'make' command in the WKDIR to build the goto binary with the preprocessor and use the files under SRCDIR mentioned in the preprocessor output, and
    • 'goto': use the files under SRCDIR mentioned in the symbol table of the goto binary.

GOTO binaries

--wkdir WKDIR

  • The working directory. This is generally the directory in which goto-cc was invoked to build the goto binary. It is the working directory that is mentioned in the source locations in the goto binary.

--goto GOTO

  • The goto binary itself.

Viewer input

Load json output of cbmc-viewer like "viewer-coverage.json" or the output of cbmc-viewer subcommands like "cbmc-viewer coverage".

--viewer-source JSON [JSON ...]

  • Load the output of "cbmc-viewer" or "cbmc-viewer source" listing the source files used to build the goto binary.




  • Verbose output.


  • Debugging output.


  • Display version number and exit.