Using Kani

At present, Kani can used in two ways:

If you plan to integrate Kani in your projects, the recommended approach is to use cargo kani. If you're already using cargo, this will handle dependencies automatically, and it can be configured (if needed) in Cargo.toml. But kani is useful for small examples/tests.

Usage on a package

Kani is integrated with cargo and can be invoked from a package as follows:

cargo kani [OPTIONS]

This works like cargo test except that it will analyze all proof harnesses instead of running all test harnesses.

Common command line flags

Common to both kani and cargo kani are many command-line flags:

  • --concrete-playback=[print|inplace]: Experimental, --enable-unstable feature that generates a Rust unit test case that plays back a failing proof harness using a concrete counterexample. If used with print, Kani will only print the unit test to stdout. If used with inplace, Kani will automatically add the unit test to the user's source code, next to the proof harness. For more detailed instructions, see the debugging verification failures section.

  • --visualize: Experimental, --enable-unstable feature that generates an HTML report providing traces (i.e., counterexamples) for each failure found by Kani.

  • --tests: Build in "test mode", i.e. with cfg(test) set and dev-dependencies available (when using cargo kani).

  • --harness <name>: By default, Kani checks all proof harnesses it finds. You can switch to checking a single harness using this flag.

  • --default-unwind <n>: Set a default global upper loop unwinding bound for proof harnesses. This can force termination when CBMC tries to unwind loops indefinitely.

Run cargo kani --help to see a complete list of arguments.

Usage on a single crate

For small examples or initial learning, it's very common to run Kani on just one source file. The command line format for invoking Kani directly is the following:

kani [OPTIONS]

This will build and run all proof harnesses found within.

Configuration in Cargo.toml

Users can add a default configuration to the Cargo.toml file for running harnesses in a package. Kani will extract any arguments from these sections:

  • [workspace.metadata.kani.flags]
  • [package.metadata.kani.flags]

For example, if you want to set a default loop unwinding bound (when it's not otherwise specified), you can achieve this by adding the following lines to the package's Cargo.toml:

default-unwind = 1

The options here are the same as on the command line (cargo kani --help), and flags (that is, command line arguments that don't take a value) are enabled by setting them to true.

Starting with Rust 1.80 (or nightly-2024-05-05), every reachable #[cfg] will be automatically checked that they match the expected config names and values. To avoid warnings on cfg(kani), we recommend adding the check-cfg lint config in your crate's Cargo.toml as follows:

unexpected_cfgs = { level = "warn", check-cfg = ['cfg(kani)'] }

For more information please consult this blog post.

The build process

When Kani builds your code, it does three important things:

  1. It sets cfg(kani) for target crate compilation (including dependencies).
  2. It injects the kani crate.
  3. It sets cfg(kani_host) for host build targets such as any build script and procedural macro crates.

A proof harness (which you can learn more about in the tutorial), is a function annotated with #[kani::proof] much like a test is annotated with #[test]. But you may experience a similar problem using Kani as you would with dev-dependencies: if you try writing #[kani::proof] directly in your code, cargo build will fail because it doesn't know what the kani crate is.

This is why we recommend the same conventions as are used when writing tests in Rust: wrap your proof harnesses in cfg(kani) conditional compilation:

mod verification {
    use super::*;

    pub fn check_something() {
        // ....

This will ensure that a normal build of your code will be completely unaffected by anything Kani-related.

This conditional compilation with cfg(kani) (as seen above) is still required for Kani proofs placed under tests/. When this code is built by cargo test, the kani crate is not available, and so it would otherwise cause build failures. (Whereas the use of dev-dependencies under tests/ does not need to be gated with cfg(test) since that code is already only built when testing.)