Kani is a verification tool that can help you systematically test properties about your Rust code. To learn more about Kani, check out the Kani tutorial and our previous blog posts.

Today we’re continuing a series of posts on the internship projects carried out in our team during 2022. The Kani team is proud to be part of the AWS Automated Reasoning Group, which every year hosts a number of interns to work on automated-reasoning projects for tools like Kani. More details on AWS Automated Reasoning areas of work and available locations can be found here. If you’re a Masters or PhD student interested in Automated Reasoning, please consider applying to the following openings:

In this post, we will talk about the internship project titled Improving Kani’s Usability with Function and Method Stubbing.

This internship project was executed by Aaron Bembenek. Aaron joined the Kani team as an Applied Scientist Intern while finishing his graduate studies at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. We are very grateful to Aaron for his hard work on this project, and wish him the best in his PhD defense!

Function Stubbing in Kani

Function stubbing refers to users writing stub (mock) functions that they substitute for the real implementation during verification. Although definitions for mocking (commonly used in testing) and stubbing may slightly differ, we often use both terms interchangeably.

In general, we have identified three reasons where users may consider stubbing out a function:

  1. Unsupported features: The code under verification contains features that Kani does not support, such as inline assembly.
  2. Bad performance: The code under verification contains features that Kani supports, but it leads to bad verification performance (for example, deserialization code).
  3. Compositional reasoning: The code under verification contains code that has been verified separately. Stubbing the code that has already been verified with a less complex version that soundly models its behavior can result in reduced verification workloads1.

Note that stubbing tries to solve a usability problem for Kani users by enabling them to verify code that otherwise would be impossible or impractical to verify.

To enable stubbing in the analysis, one must add the attribute #[kani::stub(<function_name>, <stub_name>)] to the harness function. In addition, Kani must be called with options --enable-unstable --enable-stubbing --harness <harness_name>. Note that --harness is needed because the stubbing feature is limited to a single harness at the moment.

An example: stubbing rand::random

Let’s see a simple example where we use the rand::random function to generate an encryption key.

fn encrypt_then_decrypt_is_identity() {
    let data: u32 = kani::any();
    let encryption_key: u32 = rand::random();
    let encrypted_data = data ^ encryption_key;
    let decrypted_data = encrypted_data ^ encryption_key;
    assert_eq!(data, decrypted_data);

At present, Kani fails to verify this example because its FFI support requires improvements (see issue #1781 for more details). In other words, the code under verification contains unsupported features.

However, the stubbing feature allows us to work around this limitation2 as follows:

fn stub_random<T: kani::Arbitrary>() -> T {

#[kani::stub(rand::random, stub_random)]
fn encrypt_then_decrypt_is_identity() {
    let data: u32 = kani::any();
    let encryption_key: u32 = rand::random();
    let encrypted_data = data ^ encryption_key;
    let decrypted_data = encrypted_data ^ encryption_key;
    assert_eq!(data, decrypted_data);

Here, the #[kani::stub(rand::random, stub_random)] attribute indicates to Kani that it should replace rand::random with the stub stub_random. This is a sound replacement: the value returned by kani::any captures all possible u32 values returned by rand::random.

Now, let’s run it through Kani:

cargo kani --enable-unstable --enable-stubbing --harness encrypt_then_decrypt_is_identity

The verification result is composed of a single check: the assertion corresponding to assert_eq!(data, decrypted_data).

Check 1: encrypt_then_decrypt_is_identity.assertion.1
         - Status: SUCCESS
         - Description: "assertion failed: data == decrypted_data"
         - Location: src/main.rs:18:5 in function encrypt_then_decrypt_is_identity

 ** 0 of 1 failed


Kani verifies the assertion successfully, avoiding any issues that appear if we attempt to verify the code without stubbing.

Another example: stubbing factorial

Let’s see another example where we compute binomial coefficients. This computation is often expressed as n choose k (implemented by choose in below), and it represents the number of ways to choose k elements from a set of n elements. In this example, we’re interested in verifying the property (n choose k) == (n choose (n - k)).

Note that choose makes use of a recursive factorial function that uses the method checked_mul to prevent overflow errors.

fn factorial(n: u64) -> Option<u64> {
    if n == 0 {
        return Some(1);
    n.checked_mul(factorial(n - 1).unwrap())

fn choose(n: u64, k: u64) -> u64 {
    let fact_n = factorial(n).unwrap();
    let fact_k = factorial(k).unwrap();
    let fact_n_minus_k = factorial(n - k).unwrap();
    fact_n / (fact_k * fact_n_minus_k)

fn verify_choose() {
    let n = kani::any();
    let k = kani::any();
    kani::assume(n < 21);
    kani::assume(k < 21);
    kani::assume(n >= k);
    assert_eq!(choose(n, k), choose(n, n - k));

This example takes more than 15 minutes to verify on an AWS EC2 m5a.4xlarge instance. The code under verification shows bad performance due to the recursive definition of the factorial function.

But we can avoid the recursion by pre-computing the values3 that fit into a u64 value and replacing factorial with another function that gets those values.

const FACT: [u64; 21] = [

fn factorial(n: u64) -> Option<u64> {
    if n == 0 {
        return Some(1);
    n.checked_mul(factorial(n - 1).unwrap())

fn choose(n: u64, k: u64) -> u64 {
    let fact_n = factorial(n).unwrap();
    let fact_k = factorial(k).unwrap();
    let fact_n_minus_k = factorial(n - k).unwrap();
    fact_n / (fact_k * fact_n_minus_k)

fn stub_factorial(n_64: u64) -> Option<u64> {
    let n = n_64 as usize;
    if n < FACT.len() {
    } else {

#[kani::stub(factorial, stub_factorial)]
fn verify_choose() {
    let n = kani::any();
    let k = kani::any();
    kani::assume(n > 0 && n < 21);
    kani::assume(k > 0 && k < 21);
    kani::assume(n >= k);
    assert_eq!(choose(n, k), choose(n, n - k));

Let’s run this harness with Kani!

cargo kani --enable-unstable --enable-stubbing --harness verify_choose
 ** 0 of 10 failed

Verification Time: 13.64521s

Now Kani verifies the example successfully, and in less 15 seconds! This time, Kani completes the verification faster because our stub avoids recursion altogether.

Risks of Stubbing

Stubbing is a feature that comes with great power and, as such, it should be used with caution. It’s the developer’s responsibility to ensure that a stub replacing another function soundly models its behavior. This is normally not the case in testing, where developers writing mock-ups tend to setup a concrete version of an object (an under-approximation of the model).

For example, let’s suppose you’re attempting to stub a call to serde_json::from_slice in your harness. This isn’t a strange situation since deserialization often leads to bad performance.

#[cfg_attr(kani, derive(kani::Arbitrary))]
pub struct MyStruct {
    // -- snip -- 

fn stub_deserialize<S, T>(_data: &[u8]) -> serde_json::Result<T>
    T: kani::Arbitrary,

#[kani::stub(serde_json::from_slice, stub_deserialize)]
fn verify_with_deserialization() {
    let data = symbolic_slice();
    let my_struct = serde_json::from_slice::<MyStruct>(&data);
    // -- snip -- 

Here, we’re using kani::any() to generate a symbolic MyStruct. This is easy to do since we’re deriving kani::Arbitrary for MyStruct.

In principle, this may look like an over-approximation because we generate a symbolic value for MyStruct. But actually, we’re missing something: serde_json::Result<T> can also return a serde_json::Error if the deserialization fails. However, our stub_deserialize function assumes that this case will never happen! Therefore, the stub we wrote cannot be considered a sound model of serde_json::from_slice, and it’s dangerous to use it in our harnesses.

We hope this convinces you about the risks of stubbing. Always keep in mind that stubs are essentially additional assumptions in your harnesses. Because of that, we recommend our users to only use stubbing when necessary. Note that you can also write harnesses for your stubs if you need more assurance.

Considered Designs

The experimentation for this feature mainly focused on the program transformation required for stubbing functions, methods and types. While the feature had been scoped down to function stubbing, we wanted to keep an eye open for any alternative that allowed us do type stubbing4. For functions and methods, the transformation boils down to replacing all calls to the original function/method with calls to the replacement function/method.

That said, the transformation can also be applied at different stages of the compilation step. As you may know, the Rust language uses multiple Intermediate Representations (IRs) to represent and perform analyses on Rust programs. In total, we considered five approaches:

  • Conditional compilation5
  • Source-to-source transformation
  • AST-to-AST transformation
  • HIR-to-HIR transformation
  • MIR-to-MIR transformation

In summary, we tried to answer the following question for each approach:

Does the approach allow stubbing of local/external functions/methods/types?

  Conditional compilation Source-to-source transformation AST-to-AST transformation HIR-to-HIR transformation MIR-to-MIR transformation
Local functions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Local methods Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Local types Yes Yes Yes Yes No
External functions No Yes Maybe Maybe Yes
External methods No Yes Maybe Maybe Yes
External types No Yes Maybe Maybe No

The main disadvantage of the conditional compilation approach is that it cannot be applied to external code.

In a source-to-source transformation, we’d rewrite the source code before it gets to the compiler. This approach is the most flexible, allowing us to basically stub any code (functions, methods, types). However, it requires all source code to be available, and in general it’s difficult to work with (e.g., unexpanded macros).

AST-to-AST and HIR-to-HIR transformations are close to the source code, so they’re quite flexible too. The main downside is that they’d require modifications to the Rust compiler (to plug in new AST/HIR passes). Moreover, they’d introduce new issues while compiling dependencies6.

Therefore, the approach we followed was the MIR-to-MIR transformation. While it doesn’t allow stubbing types, the MIR-to-MIR approach presents many advantages:

  • It operates over a relatively simple IR.
  • The Rust compiler already has good support for plugging in MIR-to-MIR transformations.
  • It’s possible to integrate this transformation with concrete playback.
  • Our team is already familiar with the MIR interface.


In this post, we’ve showed the stubbing feature in action and briefly discussed the designs we considered. If you enjoyed this post, the RFC for Function Stubbing includes other topics that you may find interesting:

Please go ahead and try the stubbing feature yourself!

The documentation for stubbing is available here. Please let us know if you find any issues while using the feature.

Overall, we had a lot of fun working with Aaron on this project, and we’re sure it’ll improve Kani’s usability in the future!


  1. RFC for Function Stubbing
  2. Documentation for Stubbing


  1. In this case, function contracts are a good alternative to stubbing. You can find a comparison to function contracts in this section of the RFC for function stubbing. Unfortunately, functions contracts aren’t available in Kani at the moment. 

  2. Another option is to supply an alternative implementation for verification using #[cfg(kani)]. In fact, this is considered the baseline approach for stubbing. Note, however, that this approach isn’t valid for external code. 

  3. We only need to pre-compute 21 values because the factorial computation overflows for any value beyond 21. 

  4. Type stubbing would be a powerful technique to have in Kani. It could allow us to provide verification-friendly stubs for frequently used types (e.g., Vec), among many other things. 

  5. Conditional compilation refers to making use of #[cfg(kani)] and #[cfg(not(kani))] to guard the code that’s used for verification and standard compilation, respectively. Note that we could’ve used it in our first example, by specifying #[cfg(not(kani))] for the rand::random call and #[cfg(kani)] for the kani::any call. 

  6. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are better explained in this section of the RFC for function stubbing