Goto programs

The goto program is the intermediate representation of a program used by CBMC to do bounded model checking. CBMC comes with a compiler called goto-cc that is intended to be a drop-in replacement for gcc. The difference is that goto-cc produces a goto program instead of the executable binary produced by gcc. We've already touched on these topics in our overview of how to use CBMC. Most important, we've demonstrated how to use goto-cc to produce the goto program and how to run CBMC on the goto program.

Sometimes, however, it is helpful (and just plain interesting) to look at the goto program produced by goto-cc. Two commands are particularly helpful:

  • cbmc program.goto --list-goto-functions displays the function names of all the functions appearing in the goto program program.goto
  • cbmc program.goto --show-goto-functions displays function bodies of all the functions appearing in the goto program program.goto.

A goto program

Consider a little program function-pointer.c that declares two functions alpha and beta, assigns nondeterministically one of alpha and beta to a function pointer function, and then invokes the function pointed to by function.

#include <assert.h>

int alpha(int x) {
  return x+1;

int beta(int x) {
  return x+2;

int main() {
  int (*function)();

  int bool;
  function = bool ? alpha : beta;

  int x;
  int rc = function(x);

Let's compile the program into a goto program.

goto-cc function-pointer.c -o function-pointer.goto

The function names

Let's print the function names:

cbmc function-pointer.goto --list-goto-functions
__CPROVER__start /* __CPROVER__start */
__CPROVER_initialize /* __CPROVER_initialize */
alpha /* alpha */
beta /* beta */
main /* main */

The second initialize function initializes some CBMC internal variables. The first start function is the entry point for the goto program. It calls the initialize function followed by the main function. You can print the function bodies and see this for yourself.

The function bodies

Let's print the function bodies:

cbmc function-pointer.goto --show-goto-functions

The result is a little too long to include here, but in the middle of the function body for main we find

     // 7 file function-pointers.c line 18 function main
     IF main::1::function = cast(address_of(beta), code*) THEN GOTO 1
     // 8 file function-pointers.c line 18 function main
     IF main::1::function = cast(address_of(alpha), code*) THEN GOTO 2
     // 9 file function-pointers.c line 18 function main
     ASSUME false
     // 10 file function-pointers.c line 18 function main
  1: CALL main::$tmp::return_value := beta(main::1::x)
     // 11 file function-pointers.c line 18 function main
     GOTO 3
     // 12 file function-pointers.c line 18 function main
  2: CALL main::$tmp::return_value := alpha(main::1::x)
     // 13 no location
  3: ASSIGN main::1::rc := main::$tmp::return_value

This is interesting because it demonstrates how CBMC handles function pointers. What we see is essentially a switch statement that compares the function pointer function with pointers to each of the functions whose address has been taken anywhere in the program. In this case, pointers to the functions alpha and beta. Depending on the outcome of the comparison, either alpha or beta is invoked and its return value is assigned to rc.

We include this discussion as an example of how looking at the goto program can help debug issues with CBMC. If, for example, CBMC were surprisingly slow to terminate, you might look at the goto program and discover that there is another function gamma that is being considered as a possible value for function. This is impossible in our example, but if gamma is defined in another source file that was accidentally included in the build of the goto program, one solution might be simply to omit that source file from the build for this proof.