Property checking

CBMC can check more than just assertions in the code. In this section, we describe properties like memory safety that we check for every time we run CBMC. For the full list of things that CBMC can check, run cbmc --help.

Memory safety

  • --bounds-check enables array bounds checking.
  • --pointer-check enables invalid pointer checking.

Given the program bounds.c

int main() {
  int array[10];
  for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) array[i] = i;

the command

cbmc --bounds-check bounds.c

finds the off-by-one error in the loop termination condition:

line 3 array 'array' lower bound in array[(signed long int)i]: SUCCESS
line 3 array 'array' upper bound in array[(signed long int)i]: FAILURE

Given the program pointers.c

int main() {
  int *ptr;
  int array[10];
  *ptr = 3;
  *(array + 10) = 4;

the command

cbmc --pointer-check pointers.c

finds that ptr may be null and that array + 10 points beyond the end of array:

line 4 dereference failure: pointer NULL in *ptr: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: pointer invalid in *ptr: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: deallocated dynamic object in *ptr: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: dead object in *ptr: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: pointer outside object bounds in *ptr: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: invalid integer address in *ptr: FAILURE
line 5 dereference failure: dead object in array[(signed long int)10]: SUCCESS
line 5 dereference failure:
  pointer outside object bounds in array[(signed long int)10]: FAILURE

These off-by-one errors caught with --bounds-check and --pointer-check feel quite similar to each other, but --bounds-check is for index expressions and --pointer-check is for pointer offsets. We always use these flags together.

More pointer checks

  • --pointer-overflow-check checks pointer arithmetic for arithmetic overflow and underflow.
  • --pointer-primitive-check checks that all pointers are either valid or null (all pointers, not just dereferenced pointers) when used within CBMC builtins like __CPROVER_r_okay(ptr, size) that returns true if reading the piece of memory starting at the given pointer with the given size is safe.

Given the file pointer-overflow.c

#include <stdint.h>
int main() {
  int array[10];
  int *x = array + SIZE_MAX;

the command

cbmc --pointer-check pointer-overflow.c

will succeed (because the bad pointer is never dereferenced) but the command

cbmc --pointer-check --pointer-overflow-check pointer-overflow.c

will find the overflow

line 4 pointer arithmetic:
  dead object in array + (signed long int)18446744073709551615ul: SUCCESS
line 4 pointer arithmetic:
  pointer outside object bounds in array + (signed long int)18446744073709551615ul:

At the moment, the flag --pointer-overflow-check will detect the potential for integer overflow in the calculation of an offset into an object, and also for an offset that would take you outside the bounds of an object, but there is another form of overflow to be aware of. Arithmetic overflow in pointer arithmetic is an issue because the CBMC heap model interprets a pointer as an object id together with an offset into the object. Pointer arithmetic in C uses signed integers for offsets. So it is possible for the desired offset into the object to have a magnitude larger than the maximum offset CBMC is using for objects on the heap.

Malloc failure

  • --malloc-may-fail allows any invocation of malloc to fail.
  • --malloc-fail-null sets the malloc failure mode to returning a null pointer.

Taken together, these flags cause CBMC to use a model of malloc in which it is possible for any invocation of malloc to fail and return a null pointer. Given the program malloc.c

#include <stdlib.h>
main () {
  int *x = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
  *x = 1;

the command

cbmc --pointer-check malloc.c

will succeed but the command

cbmc --pointer-check --malloc-may-fail --malloc-fail-null malloc.c

will fail because it is possible for malloc to fail and return a null pointer causing *x to dereference a null pointer:

line 4 dereference failure: pointer NULL in *x: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: pointer invalid in *x: SUCCESS
line 4 dereference failure: deallocated dynamic object in *x: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: dead object in *x: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: pointer outside object bounds in *x: FAILURE
line 4 dereference failure: invalid integer address in *x: SUCCESS

Integer overflow

  • --signed-overflow-check and --unsigned-overflow-check check for integer overflow.

Given the file integer.c

#include <limits.h>
int main() {
  int x;
  int y;
  if (x + y <= INT_MAX)
    x = x + y;
  if (y <= INT_MAX - x)
    x = x + y;

the command

cbmc --signed-overflow-check integer.c

finds several possibilities for signed integer overflow (an undefined behavior in the C standard):

line 5 arithmetic overflow on signed + in x + y: FAILURE
line 7 arithmetic overflow on signed - in 2147483647 - x: FAILURE
line 8 arithmetic overflow on signed + in x + y: FAILURE

Floating point overflow

  • --float-overflow-check checks for +/-Inf in floating-point arithmetic.
  • --nan-check checks for NaN in floating-point arithmetic.

Given the file float.c

int main() {
  float x = 100000000.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) x = x * x;

the command

cbmc float.c

will succeed but the command

cbmc --float-overflow-check float.c

will find the floating-point overflow:

line 3 arithmetic overflow on floating-point multiplication in x * x: FAILURE

Given the file nan.c

int main() {
  float x = 0.0 / 0.0;

the command

cbmc nan.c

will succeed but the command

cbmc --nan-check nan.c

will find the NaN:

line 2 NaN on / in 0.0 / 0.0: FAILURE

Division by zero

  • --div-by-zero-check checks for division by zero.

Given the file zero.c

int main() {
  int a;
  int b;
  int result = a / b;

the command

cbmc --div-by-zero-check zero.c

finds the potential for division by zero:

line 4 division by zero in a / b: FAILURE

Type casting

  • --conversion-check checks for values that can't be represented after type casts.

Given the file conversion.c

#include <stdint.h>
int main() {
  uint8_t x;
  uint16_t y;
  x = y;

the command

cbmc conversion.c

will succeed but the command

cbmc --conversion-check conversion.c

finds the potential for truncation of an integer value from 16 bits to 8 bits:

line 5 arithmetic overflow on unsigned to unsigned type conversion in (uint8_t)y:

Bit shifting

  • --undefined-shift-check enables checks for undefined shift behaviors like shifting too far or shifting a negative value

Given the program 'shift.c'

int main() {
  int x = 1;
  int y = -1;
  int z;
  z = x << 64;
  z = x << -1;
  z = y << 64;
  z = y << -1;

the command

cbmc --undefined-shift-check shift.c

finds a number of undefined shift behaviors:

line 5 shift distance too large in x << 64: FAILURE
line 5 shift operand is negative in x << 64: SUCCESS
line 6 shift distance is negative in x << -1: FAILURE
line 6 shift operand is negative in x << -1: SUCCESS
line 7 shift distance too large in y << 64: FAILURE
line 7 shift operand is negative in y << 64: FAILURE
line 8 shift distance is negative in y << -1: FAILURE
line 8 shift operand is negative in y << -1: FAILURE

Loop unwinding

  • --unwinding-assertions enables checks that loops have been completely unwound.

Always run CBMC with the flag --unwinding-assertions.

Given the program loop.c

#include <stdbool.h>
int main() {
  int bound;
  for (int i=0; i<bound; i++)
    if (i > 9) assert(false);

the command

cbmc --unwind 10 loop.c

will report

line 5 assertion 0: SUCCESS

This is a surprise. The assertion is false. Why did CBMC not discover this? The problem is that the assertion fails only on the 10th iteration of the loop, and we gave CBMC the flag --unwind 10 that restricts CBMC to 9 iterations (not 10!). Use the flag --unwinding-assertions to detect mistakes like this. The command

cbmc --unwind 10 --unwinding-assertions loop.c

will report

line 4 unwinding assertion loop 0: FAILURE
line 5 assertion 0: SUCCESS

Always run CBMC with the flag --unwinding-assertions.