
Install the debugger

Most people should install the debugger from within Visual Studio Code:

  • Click on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the left.

    Extensions icon

  • Search for "CBMC Proof Debugger."

  • Click on "CBMC Proof Debugger."

  • Click on "Install."

For more information, read about installing extensions from the Extension Marketplace.

You can also install the debugger from the project release page:

  • Open the release page.
  • Download the package cbmc-proof-debugger-*.vsix at the bottom of the page.
  • Run code --install-extension cbmc-proof-debugger-*.vsix to install the package.

You can safely ignore the deprecation warning about the Buffer class.

Uninstall the debugger

To uninstall the debugger from within Visual Studio Code,

  • click on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the left,
  • click on "CBMC Proof Debugger," and
  • click on "Uninstall."

To uninstall the debugger from the command line, run

code --uninstall-extension model-checking.cbmc-proof-debugger