• Feature Name: Loop Contracts
  • Feature Request Issue: #3168
  • RFC PR: #3167
  • Status: Under Review
  • Version: 1
  • Proof-of-concept:


Loop contracts provide way to safely abstract loops of a program, typically in order to accelerate the verification process, and remove the loop unwinding bounds. The key idea is to over-approximate the possible set of program states, while still being precise enough to be able to prove the desired property.

User Impact

Loop contracts provide an interface for a verified, sound abstraction. The goal for specifying loop contracts in the source code is two fold:

  • Unbounded verification: Currently, proving correctness (i.e. assertions never fail) on programs with unbounded control flow (e.g. loops with dynamic bounds) Kani requires unwinding loops for a large number of times, which is not always feasible. Loop contracts provide a way to abstract out loops, and hence remove the need for unwinding loops.
  • Faster CI runs: In most cases, the provided contracts would also significantly improve Kani's verification time since all loops would be unrolled only to a single iteration.

Loop contracts are completely optional with no user impact if unused. This RFC proposes the addition of new attributes, and functions, that shouldn't interfere with existing functionalities.

User Experience

A loop contract specifies the behavior of a loop as a boolean predicate (loop invariants clauses) with certain frames conditions (loop modifies clauses) that can be checked against the loop implementation, and used to abstract out the loop in the verification process.

We illustrate the usage of loop contracts with an example. Consider the following program:

fn simple_loop() {
    let mut x: u64 = kani::any_where(|i| *i >= 1);

    while x > 1{
        x = x - 1;

    assert!(x == 1);

The loop in the simple_loop function keep subtracting 1 from x until x is 1. However, Kani currently needs to unroll the loop for u64::MAX number of times to verify the assertion at the end of the program.

With loop contracts, the user can specify the behavior of the loop as follows:

fn simple_loop_with_loop_contracts() {
    let mut x: u64 = kani::any_where(|i| *i >= 1);

    #[kani::loop_invariant(x >= 1)]
    while x > 1{
        x = x - 1;

    assert!(x == 1);

The loop invariant clause #[kani::loop_invariant(x >= 1)] specifies the loop invariants that must hold at the beginning of each iteration of the loop right before checking the loop guard.

In this case, Kani verifies that the loop invariant x >= 1 is inductive, i.e., x is always greater than or equal to 1 at each iteration before checking x > 1.

Also, once Kani proved that the loop invariant is inductive, it can safely use the loop invariants to abstract the loop out of the verification process. The idea is, instead of exploring all possible branches of the loop, Kani only needs to prove those branches reached from an arbitrary program state that satisfies the loop contracts, after the execution of one iteration of the loop.

So, for loops without break statements, we can assume all post-states of the loop satisfying inv && !loop_guard for proving post-loops properties. The requirement of satisfying the negation of the loop guard comes from the fact that a path exits loops without break statements must fail the loop guard.

For example, applying loop contracts in simple_loop function is equivalent to the following:

fn simple_loop_transformed() {
    let mut x: u64 = kani::any_where(|i| *i >= 1);

    x = kani::any(); // Arbitrary program state that
    kani::assume( !(x > 1) && x >= 1); // satisfies !`guard` && `inv` 

    assert!(x == 1);

The assumption above is actually equivalent to x == 1, hence the assertion at the end of the program is proved.

Write Sets and Havocking

For those memory locations that are not modified in the loop, loop invariants state that they stay unchanged throughout the loop are inductive. In other words, Kani should only havoc the memory locations that are modified in the loop. This is achieved by specifying the modifies clause for the loop. For example, the following program:

fn simple_loop_two_vars() {
    let mut x: u64 = kani::any_where(|i| *i >= 1);
    let mut y: u64 = 1;

    #[kani::loop_invariant(x >= 1)]
    while x > 1{
        x = x - 1;

    assert!(x == 1);
    assert!(y == 1);

write to only x in the loop, hence the modifies clause contains only x. Then when use the loop contracts to abstract the loop, Kani will only havoc the memory location x and keep y unchanged. Note that if the modifies clause contains also y, Kani will havoc both x and y, and hence violate the assertion y == 1.

Kani can employs CBMC's write set inference to infer the write set of the loop. So users have to specify the modifies clauses by their self only when the inferred write sets are not complete---there exists some target that could be written to in the loop but is not in the inferred write set.

Proof of termination

Loop contracts also provide a way to prove the termination of the loop. Without the proof of termination, Kani could report success of some assertions that are actually unreachable due to non-terminating loops. For example, consider the following program:

fn simple_loop_non_terminating() {
    let mut x: u64 = kani::any_where(|i| *i >= 1);

    #[kani::loop_invariant(x >= 1)]
    while true{
        x = x;

    assert!(x >= 1);

After abstracting the loop, the loop will be transformed to no-op, and the assertion x >= 1 will be proved. However, the loop is actually an infinite loop, and the assertion will never be reached.

For this reason, Kani will also require the user to provide a decreases clause that specifies a decreasing expression to prove the termination of the loop. For example, in

fn simple_loop_terminating() {
    let mut x: u64 = kani::any_where(|i| *i >= 1);

    #[kani::loop_invariant(x >= 1)]
    while x > 1{
        x = x - 1;

    assert!(x >= 1);

, the decreases clause #[kani::loop_decreases(x)] specifies that the value of x decreases at each iteration of the loop, and hence the loop will terminate.

Detailed Design

Kani implements the functionality of loop contracts in three places.

  1. Procedural macros loop_invariant, loop_modifies, and loop_decreases.
  2. Code generation for builtin functions expanded from the above macros.
  3. GOTO-level loop contracts using CBMC's contract language generated in kani-compiler.

Procedural macros loop_invariant, loop_modifies, and loop_decreases.

We will implement the three proc-macros loop_invariant, loop_modifies, and loop_decreases to embed the annotation logic as Rust code. Kani will then compile them into MIR-level code.

Code Generation for Builtin Functions

Then in the MIR, we codegen the loop contracts as GOTO-level expressions and annotate them into the corresponding loop latches---the jumps back to the loop head.

The artifact goto-instrument in CBMC will extract the loop contracts from the named-subs of the loop latch, and then apply and prove the extracted loop contracts.

GOTO-Level Havocing

The ordinary havocing in CBMC is not aware of the type constraints of Rust type. Hence, we will use customized havocing functions for modifies targets. In detail, Kani will generate code for the definition of corresponding kani::any() functions for each modifies target. Then Kani will create a map from the modifies target to the the name of its kani::any() function, and add the map to the loop latch too.

On the CBMC site, goto-instrument will extract the map and instrument the customized havocing functions for the modifies targets.

Rationale and alternatives

Rust-Level Transformation vs CBMC

Besides transforming the loops in GOTO level using goto-instrument, we could also do the transformation in Rust level using procedural macros, or in MIR level.

There are two reasons we prefer the GOTO-level transformation. First, goto-instrument is a mature tool that can correctly instrument the frame condition checking for the transformed loop, which will save us from reinventing the error-prone wheel. Second, the loop contracts synthesis tool we developed and are developing are all based on GOTO level. Hence, doing the transformation in the GOTO level will make the integration of loop contracts with the synthesis tool easier.

Open questions

  • How do we integrate loop contracts with the synthesis tool? When the user-provided loop contracts are not enough prove the harness, we expect the loop-contract synthesizer can fix the loop contracts.
  • How do we translate back modify targets that inferred by CBMC to Rust level?
  • It is not clear how the CBMC loop modifies inference works for Rust code. We need to experiment more to decide what would be the best UX of using loop modifies.
  • How do we handle havocing in unsafe code where it is fine to break the safety invariant of Rust? In that case, we may need havocing function that preserves validity invariant but not safety invariant.
  • What is the proper mechanism for users to specify the loops that they want to opt-out from applying loop contracts, and (optionally) the unwind numbers for them. Such options should be per-harness.

Future possibilities

  • We can employ CBMC's decreases inference to infer the decreases clauses to reduce the user burden of specifying the decreases clauses.