Challenge 15: Contracts and Tests for SIMD Intrinsics

  • Status: Open
  • Reward:
  • Solution:
  • Tracking Issue: #173
  • Start date: 2025/02/01
  • End date: 2025/08/01


A number of Rust projects rely on the SIMD intrinsics provided by core::arch for performance. This includes libraries like hashbrown that are used in HashMap, as well as third-party cryptographic libraries like libcrux and Dalek that are used in mainstream software projects.

The goal of this project is to provide testable formal specifications for the 100 most commonly used intrinsics for x86_64 and aarch64 platforms, chosen specifically to cover all the intrinsics used in hashbrown and in popular cryptographic libraries.

For each intrinsic, the main goal is to provide contracts in the form of pre- and post-conditions, and to verify whether these contracts hold when the intrinsics are executed in Rust. A secondary goal is to use these contracts as formal specifications of the intrinsics API when doing proofs of Rust programs.


Rust is the language of choice for new security-critical and performance-sensitive projects, and consequently a number of new cryptographic projects use Rust to build their infrastructure and trusted computing base. However, the SIMD intrinsics in Rust lack documentation and are easy to misuse, and so even the best Rust programmers need to wade through Intel or Arm assembly documentation to understand the functional behavior of these intrinsics.

Separately, when formally verifying cryptographic libraries, each project needs to define its own semantics for SIMD instructions. Indeed such SIMD specifications have currently been defined for cryptographic verification projects in F*, EasyCrypt, and HOL Light. This specification work is both time-consuming and error-prone, there is also no guarantee of consistency between the instruction semantics used in these different tools.

Consequently, we believe there is a strong need for a consistent, formal, testable specification of the SIMD intrinsics that can aid Rust developers. Furthermore, we believe that this specification should written in a way that can be used to aid formal verification of Rust programs using various proof assistants.


Consider the function _mm_blend_epi16 in core::arch::x86_64:

pub unsafe fn _mm_blend_epi16(
    a: __m128i,
    b: __m128i,
    const IMM8: i32,
) -> __m128i

Its description says:

Blend packed 16-bit integers from a and b using the mask IMM8.

The mask bits determine the selection. A clear bit selects the corresponding element of a, and a set bit the corresponding element of b.

It then points to Intel's documentation for the C intrinsic which provides the pseudocode:

FOR j := 0 to 7
i := j*16
IF imm8[j]
dst[i+15:i] := b[i+15:i]
dst[i+15:i] := a[i+15:i]

We propose to reflect the behavior of the semantics as described in Intel's documentation directly as pre- and post-conditions in Rust.

#[requires(IMM8 >= 0 && IMM8 <= 255)]
    forall (|j| implies(j >= 0 && j < 8,
        if get_bit(IMM8,j) then
            get_lane(result, j) == get_lane(b,j)
            get_lane(result, j) == get_lane(a,j))))]
pub unsafe fn _mm_blend_epi16(
    a: __m128i,
    b: __m128i,
    const IMM8: i32,
) -> __m128i

This contract can then be used to automatically generate tests for the intrinsic, which can be put in CI.

As a second layer of assurance, these contracts can be compiled to some verification framework and proved to be sound against a hand-written model of the intrinsics functions.

Finally, Rust verification toolchains can also rely on this contract to model the intrinsics library within their analyses. This would enable the verification of Rust applications that rely on SIMD intrinsics.


The contracts we write for the SIMD intrinsics should be well tested but, in the end, are hand-written based on the documentation of the intrinsics provided by Intel and ARM. Consequently, the user must trust that these semantics are correctly written.

When using the contracts within a formal verification project, the user will, as usual, have to trust that the verification tool correctly encodes the semantics of Rust and performs a sound analysis within a clearly documented model.

Success Criteria

The goal is to annotate >= 100 intrinsics in core::arch::x86_64 and core::arch::aarch64 with contracts, and all these contracts will be tested comprehensively in Rust. These functions should include all the intrinsics currently used in standard libraries like hashbrown (the basis of the Rust HashMap implementation).

An additional success criterion is to show that these contracts can be used by verification tools to prove properties about example code that uses them. Of particular interest is code used in cryptographic libraries, but even other standalone examples using SIMD intrinsics would be considered valuable.