Challenge 6: Safety of NonNull

  • Status: Open
  • Tracking Issue: #53
  • Start date: 2024-08-16
  • End date: 2024-12-10


Verify absence of undefined behavior of the ptr::NonNull module. Most of its functions are marked unsafe, yet they are used in 62 other modules of the standard library.

Success Criteria

Prove absence of undefined behavior of the following 48 public functions. You may wish to do so by attaching pre- and postconditions to these, and then (if needed by the tooling that you choose to use) adding verification harnesses.

  1. NonNull<T>::add
  2. NonNull<T>::addr
  3. NonNull<T>::align_offset
  4. NonNull<T>::as_mut<'a>
  5. NonNull<T>::as_mut_ptr
  6. NonNull<T>::as_non_null_ptr
  7. NonNull<T>::as_ptr
  8. NonNull<T>::as_ref<'a>
  9. NonNull<T>::as_uninit_mut<'a>
  10. NonNull<T>::as_uninit_ref<'a>
  11. NonNull<T>::as_uninit_slice<'a>
  12. NonNull<T>::as_uninit_slice_mut<'a>
  13. NonNull<T>::byte_add
  14. NonNull<T>::byte_offset_from<U: ?Sized>
  15. NonNull<T>::byte_offset
  16. NonNull<T>::byte_sub
  17. NonNull<T>::cast<U>
  18. NonNull<T>::copy_from_nonoverlapping
  19. NonNull<T>::copy_from
  20. NonNull<T>::copy_to_nonoverlapping
  21. NonNull<T>::copy_to
  22. NonNull<T>::dangling
  23. NonNull<T>::drop_in_place
  24. NonNull<T>::from_raw_parts
  25. NonNull<T>::get_unchecked_mut<I>
  26. NonNull<T>::is_aligned_to
  27. NonNull<T>::is_aligned
  28. NonNull<T>::is_empty
  29. NonNull<T>::len
  30. NonNull<T>::map_addr
  31. NonNull<T>::new_unchecked
  32. NonNull<T>::new
  33. NonNull<T>::offset_from
  34. NonNull<T>::offset
  35. NonNull<T>::read_unaligned
  36. NonNull<T>::read_volatile
  37. NonNull<T>::read
  38. NonNull<T>::replace
  39. NonNull<T>::slice_from_raw_parts
  40. NonNull<T>::sub_ptr
  41. NonNull<T>::sub
  42. NonNull<T>::swap
  43. NonNull<T>::to_raw_parts
  44. NonNull<T>::with_addr
  45. NonNull<T>::write_bytes
  46. NonNull<T>::write_unaligned
  47. NonNull<T>::write_volatile
  48. NonNull<T>::write

List of UBs

In addition to any properties called out as SAFETY comments in the source code, all proofs must automatically ensure the absence of the following undefined behaviors:

  • Accessing (loading from or storing to) a place that is dangling or based on a misaligned pointer.
  • Reading from uninitialized memory.
  • Mutating immutable bytes.
  • Producing an invalid value

Note: All solutions to verification challenges need to satisfy the criteria established in the challenge book in addition to the ones listed above.